Welcome to my first ever blog. I had to look it up and see what it means to blog! I already know my hearts desire is living the every day more connected, more at ease. I want to blog about living more attentively, more interestedly in the littlest details of the everyday. Yes, so why blog about the every day in this way? I want to live mindfully, in being with the every day things, getting up, washing my teeth, opening the door, walking the few hundred metres to work, driving the car, being with friends, customers, my partner, and with whatever littlest of activity i can find to practice being mindful, being attentive. And I want to keep befriending the feelings of anxiety, irritation, upset, sadness, and being scared. I’m tired of pushing them away in the hope they will go away. I hope to have this blog to share ways I and others can be in the simple, mindful, easy effortless, kind, joyful, peaceful mind – even if we experience this just for a moment or two. I want to live my dream, which is to encourage people to live more mindfully in fun, simple and meaningful ways and ultimately encouraging me on this path too! Why not be mindful just for the fun and love of it?
Mindfulness in the everyday

Ready to work together? I am happy to hear from you. I look forward to meeting with you and sharing these profound, beautifully simple, elegant approaches for peace and wellbeing.
My space:
Kilcoole Counselling Centre, Kilcoole
Co Wicklow A63 NH90
Main Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry
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